Writingbrussels in 2018

Brussels is a city where you can find different types of humor; people thus learn to understand the subtility of being English, Czech, or Spanish. Or even Belgian, for that matter 🙂

We walk through Brussels as if roaming through a maze, observing, musing, sharing… Here are the actual members of Writingbrussels:


Eva who writes in Spanish because it is her beloved mother tongue. She takes you deep under the skin of her characters.


Dulce comes from Argentina and joined WB in 2017. She writes in Spanish, a language to dive into.


Gaëlle, the real Bruxelloise of Belgian and British origins, the explorer of life’s spooky sides. She writes of course in English, a language that suits horror and fantasy so well.


Veronika, always so very close to making you smile or laugh, even when she doesn’t mean to. A Czech writing in French, a language she masters admirably well.


Katarína, stories in English, nourished by an unceasing need to wander through the human maze. For ever in search of meaning(s), on and off the yoga mat.


Yves, a guy born in this city, inspired by the streets of Brussels, composing songs and writing in French.


Mark, an Englishman on the Continent, an insider in the world of European institutions so full of stories and urban legends. Writing in English.

About writingbrussels

Seven Writers. Three Languages. One City.
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